Lee came from artistic, education-grounded background; his father was a jazz musician, and his mother, a schoolteacher. Although antler size typically increases with age, antler characteristics (e.g., number of points, length, or thickness of the antlers) are not good indicators of buck age, in general, because antler development is influenced by the local environment. The deer on the left is a 6 month old fawn with —nubbins“ or pedicles where hard antlers will … 1 1/2: As a yearling, this buck grew 3-inch spikes – not a very impressive start compared to what he would turn into at 4 1/2 years of age. Spike bucks Weishuhn tagged and were able to follow for several years, all in time produced “acceptable” to big racks, provided they got adequate nutrition. Hunters provided additional information relative to date and location of harvest, as well as any other visual signs of bodily trauma such as old gunshot wounds or broken bones. Focusing on spike harvest in these situations is focusing on the wrong issue. Karns, G. R. and S. E. Ditchkoff. “All spikes are not equal even among an age class,” Durham said. Separating 3½ from 4½ is not as tough as separating one geezer from another, but it’s still one of the tougher dividing lines in buck aging, and it’s a fairly common shoot-or-don’t-shoot line among hunters. Spike meets Miles in Session 19. Also, an actual spike elk is the one that has both antlers with no branching coming from above four inches from where the antlers attach to the skull. He loves Hollywood’s golden age musicals. Spikes are almost always 1 1/2 year old bucks. Yes, that’s very difficult, but, more to the point, it doesn’t matter. New Research is Out. It just so happened that I have seen 2 this year alone. 1 reason a buck wears spikes as his first set of antlers is age. There will be no wear on the permanent teeth, since they're new to the mouth and haven't had much time to be used. !I hope i was right! -In the study, the average Gross B&C score of adult deer that were fork-antlered yearlings was 127.8 B&C inches while the spike deer averaged 89.9 B&C at maturity. Your support enables our mission: Ensuring the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat and hunting. Seven others sustained skull damage not affecting pedicle formation, while five had malformed pedicles but no apparent skull injury. Deer with large spike antlers are a rarity, and these are 10 we would be glad to have on our walls. Hunters see and kill bucks with bigger antlers and bodies. !I thought awhile back maybe a couple months ago there was thread about spike horn buks! In 2004, he acted as one of the jury members at the Venice Film Festival. A goal of Quality Deer Management (QDM) is to improve buck age structure by protecting yearling bucks. At a very young age, he moved from pre-civil rights Georgia, to Brooklyn, New York. Black-tailed deer buck age plotted by maximum antler points (side by side comparison). But if this is a critical line for you, remember this: Better to be wrong on the too-young-to-shoot side than the old-enough side. “Once a spike, always a spike.” Hardly. “Trauma-induced Malformed Antler Development in Male White-tailed Deer. Many landowners are becoming interested in allowing more male deer on their land to reach older age classes and express their genetic potential for antler size. An important thing to keep in mind is that deer characteristics will vary depending on where the deer population is located. WORLD RECORD SPIKER WHITETAIL CONTEST!!! “Once a spike, always a spike” is one of deer-hunting’s oldest and most-incorrect beliefs. However, those factors were not investigated. Throughout his career as an editor, he has written and published numerous articles on deer management and hunting. Also known as: Blacktail deer, Columbian black-tailed deer: Description: Weight:. He is a retired deer research biologist. He got the inspiration to become a director after watching the film The Deer … You might be able to tell a young deer from an old deer, but to say one is 2.5 years old and the other is 3, pshhhhhhhhhhh. No. Among whitetails, the culling harvest strategy generally involves targeting those bucks with inferior antlers for removal to improve overall antler quality of those left to do the breeding and for harvest at an older age. Figure 2. Werbefrei streamen oder als CD und MP3 kaufen bei Amazon.de. -“Fork-antlered deer produced almost twice the antler mass each year as their spike-antlered counterpart.” (Ott study)-Yearlings that had 6 points or more grew bigger antlers with each year of age than yearlings that had 4 or 5 points, which were bigger than yearlings with 3 points, which grew bigger antlers than spike deer. Fawns may exhibit —bumps“ on . -A branch antler yearling at 3.5 years of age will have antlers as big or bigger than a spike buck at 4.5 years age,” wrote John D. Williams, Ph.D. , Associate Professor Veterinary Medicine, Texas A&M University. Replies (1) 2 2. Because they are young, inexperienced, less aware of danger, often alone for the first time in their lives, and often new to the area (because of yearling-buck dispersal), yearlings are usually the first antlered deer we see while hunting – and thus the quickest to die in hunting season. States covered: KY, TN, WV, VA, NC. Large antlers on a younger deer and small antlers on an older deer can negatively influence your estimated age. A deer’s genetic potential is controlled by the genetic makeup of both its parents and can affect antler shape, composition and size potential. It's not that difficult to age deer, but it's also not strictly body characteristics or antler growth (or even antler size) like most people think it is. Karns and Ditchkoff concluded that pedicle and/or skull damage was the primary cause of the spike-on- one-side phenomenon and that the frequency of such abnormal growth increased with a buck’s age. But luckily for all of us, the deer that’s easiest to age is the most important one to get right. You can’t fix dead. So, is aging bucks on the hoof always easy or accurate? Probable cause of spike-on-one-side antler formation could be determined for 43 antler sets. Given their extra year of education, 2½-year-olds are not so quick to die, and now the numbers of older bucks begin to swell. Spice ist die Verkaufsbezeichnung für eine Droge, die aus synthetischen Cannabinoiden sowie verschiedenen getrockneten Pflanzenteilen besteht. ... Antler Size and Determining a Deer’s Age. Solidly grounded in Bartylla’s wealth of experience, this buck hunting guide seeks to help real-world hunters take their craft to the next level. Many agree that yearling (1.5 year old deer) spikes should not be shot. Three of 10 (30 percent) yearling buck antler sets had sustained breakage of the hardened antler, but none had pedicle or skull damage. After he’s dead, you can send an incisor tooth to a lab to find out his exact age in this bracket if you need to satisfy your curiosity, but before he’s dead this information is irrelevant. Most one-sided antler abnormalities, such as spike-on-one-side, are likely the result of some form of physical injury, either to the skull and/or pedicle or some other part of the body. Their bodies are muscular and filled out, which actually makes their legs now appear too short. Once he peeled velve… You also receive four issues of our award-winning hunting magazine – Quality Whitetails! Spike-on-one-side inducing abnormalities were detected in 31 of 41 (76 percent) 31⁄2-year-old bucks. Five bucks suffered miscellaneous problems, such as improper pedicle position, missing skull bones, accessory pedicles and “double-headed” antlers. Prior to that, Lindsay was an editor at a Georgia hunting and fishing news magazine for nine years. Ironically, the average B&C score of all bucks killed across Texas each year is about 131 inches. Fawns may exhibit —bumps“ on . Get your copy today! Antlers from a spike whitetail deer isolated on white Texas Axis Deer Chital, Driftwood Texas. I have hunted a few places where the genetics were not great and found spikes at older ages, but they were obviously older deer – long spikes that often curved like the main beam normally would. Note: I’ve included here several images from my 2016 scrape monitoring on my family’s land in the Lower Coastal Plain of Georgia. 84 for 81-year-old hunter Send jpeg photos to Brad Dokken at bdokken@gfherald.com. LITERATURE CITED Genetic effects more likely affect both sides. Additional age classes can also be protected, but the target minimum age for buck harvest should be a realistic goal based on hunter experience and local conditions. Whitetail bucks in the 4 ½ year age class start to really shine if you’re looking for a big and dominant deer. Beyond this age, bucks may have larger antlers but more of them die of other causes or simply become too cagey to see, especially in areas of high hunter density and pressure. Spikes are single, straight-edged antlers with no branches or tines coming off the side. In other words, contributing factors for nearly 40 percent of the collected specimens were undetermined and were likely caused by other factors than direct injury to the pedicle or surrounding area of the skull. We use cookies on this site to enhance the experience. Trophy Room: Spike buck is deer No. This post was edited on 12/27 at 12:50 pm . You have to check a deer's teeth. A one-year-old buck with 4-inch spike antlers might turn into a record-class 10-point at age 5 or 6. No. If you think killing a 3½-year-old when you thought he was 4½ is some kind of disaster, there are plenty of hunters who would gladly swap places with you. ... Black-tailed deer buck age plotted by maximum antler points (side by side comparison). Given time, a spike yearling can grow into a buck that will give a lot of hunters uncontrollable shivers. Spike's age 27 is a reference to the 27 Club, comprised of many famous musicians who have died at the age. This period can last from 12 to 24 hours and is the absolute worst time to butcher your deer. Brantley shot his first deer at age 10 with a sidelock muzzleloader. Two others had similar damage that had subsequently healed. Being able to determine a deer's age when you're hunting is a major factor in controlling deer populations and promoting a diverse spectrum of ages among the deer. Shinichirō Watanabe confirmed in an interview that Spike’s hair color is 'dark green'. Separating 1½ from 2½ is now a simple matter, because we’re down to the easiest deer to spot in the woods: This is why QDMA teaches that the most reasonable, successful and easy starting point for QDM is to protect most or all yearling bucks. Lindsay Thomas Jr. is the editor of Quality Whitetails magazine, the journal of the National Deer Association, and he is NDA's Chief Communications Officer. Hence, they question the merits or procedures involved in buck culling strategies designed to minimize the occurrence of such abnormalities. For example, a spike buck is one year old 83% of the time, based on our 2019 sample. Your spikes are 1 1/2 years old. With good photos, second opinions, and careful consideration most of us can make the right call here, but it’s okay if you don’t. As a deer continues growing through its second year of life, its permanent premolars are lost and replaced, much like our baby teeth drop out in our younger years. Online Event Management. He’s beyond mature, he’s reached a rare age, and he’s carrying 100 percent of the antlers he’s likely to produce (if he’s not already hobbling down the slopes below that peak). Data points are weighted by proportional values (larger circles equal larger values), calculated per antler point category (i.e., proportions sum to 100 by antler point category). EXPLORE OTHER MEDIA 360 PROPERTIES FOR OUTDOORS ENTHUSIASTS, Tips to Organize Your Firearm Cleaning Accessories, Foodie Friday: The Science of Venison Spoilage. — John Ozoga has been D&DH’s top research contributor for more than 20 years. Spike and Drusilla in Italy in the 1950s. Not ever. But luckily for all of us, the deer that’s easiest to age is the most important one to get right. Now, we're betting most deer in your area wouldn't sit back in a dentist chair, open wide, and let you peer into their gullet to count molars. This buck was one of about 30 to 40 deer that stayed on the property. Lingual crests, or the pointy ends of molars, are sharp when the teeth fi… Though the 2½-year-old can drink legally, there are still a few lingering zits, he loves flat-bill caps, still says “bruh,” and he can’t even. Replies (1) Options Top. I have seen many 1 1/2 old 8’s and shot a half rack 1 1/2 year old 10 last year. Spike Age helps your Business Profile by building a website and engaging your customers with your business from your phone, tablet or computer. “Logically,” they emphasized, “the more antler-growth cycles a white-tailed deer undergoes the greater the probability of sustaining significant damage to the skull or pedicle.”. The most common cause noted was some form of skull damage and resultant pedicle malformation (14 individuals). Rut behaviors become more common and noticeable. Separating 2½ from 3½ is getting even easier and is very do-able for most of us if we have a little guidance and put some thought into it. You’ve still enjoyed a great hunt and memorable recreation, harvested some venison, and taken an uncommon adult deer that likely was carrying 80 percent of his lifetime antler potential. In contrast, abnormal antlers due to pedicle or skull injury often re-aggravate and tend to get progressively worse in future years because of repeated injury. Keep in mind, however, that no two antlers are ever exactly alike, although their similarities from side to side, or even from one buck to the next, are sometimes striking. Of course, no matter which age you select as your starting point for harvest, you and your partners are unlikely to kill all of the deer of that green-light age, and some or many of them will slip through into the older groups anyway. However, it’s difficult to determine which traits are of genetic origin and which are not. Given time, a spike yearling can grow into a buck that will give a lot of hunters uncontrollable shivers. If a land manager wants more mature bucks or has a low buck to doe ratio, then shooting any buck may be a bad idea. Whitetail bucks in the 4 ½ year age class start to really shine if you’re looking for a big and dominant deer. So the most critical aging decisions for you are those that straddle your line between “shoot” and “don’t shoot.” Determining whether a buck in a trail-camera photo is 6½ or 8½ or 10½? Commission has responded to a spike in deer-related crop damage by allowing ... Big deer were rare. Spike Deer By Tom Marschall ( tmar ) on March 22, 2010 My intent is to write a series of articles rooted in almost 50 years of studying and hunting white-tailed deer. Research evidence also indicates that at least some antler abnormalities due to skeletal injury have a good chance of returning to normal in subsequent years. Image Gallery. Lee came from artistic, education-grounded background; his father was a jazz musician, and his mother, a schoolteacher. Nutrition does play a role, but those same deer may “rebound” the following year into 8 point bucks. As this photo essay shows, you never know what a whitetail buck’s antler potential will be until it reaches full maturity, which usually doesn’t occur until a buck is 6 to 7 years old. For example, 83% of reported spike bucks were one year old, 9% were two years old, and 8% were three years old. A spike elk is one particular type of these deer with at least one antler beam without branching over the ears. It’s good that separating 2½ from 3½ is relatively easy, because for many deer hunters who are beyond beginner level, 3½ is a sweetspot you might want to enjoy for many years to come. So, is aging bucks on the hoof always easy or accurate? The white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), also known as the whitetail or Virginia deer, is a medium-sized deer native to North America, Central America, Ecuador, and South America as far south as Peru and Bolivia. White-tailed deer bucks. “The ‘once a spike, always a spike’ maxim should be dead, but unfortunately it’s not,” said Lindsay Thomas of the Quality Deer Management Association. And that includes, 100 percent of the antlers he’s likely to produce, Trail-Camera Catches a Bobcat Catching a Fawn, Prevent Trespassing and Poaching With These Security Hacks, How to Find Next Season’s Buck in Last Season’s Trail-Cam Photos, Which Deer Visit Feeders and When? Spike relaxes in Session 19, Wild Horses. To test their theory, the Auburn researchers collected 71 sets of antlers showing the spike-on-one-side phenomenon from hunter-harvested bucks in Alabama during two hunting seasons (2010-11 and 2011-12). What is a Spike . If you fumble every other aging call there is but you protect most or all of the yearlings, your hunting is still going to get a lot better. Once the antlers and skull materials were cleaned, the researchers estimated deer age, recorded the number of typical antler points per side and categorized any damage to the skull, pedicle or antler. One had an abscess close to a pedicle, probably causing abnormal antler growth, while two bucks each had one abnormally small pedicle. Furthermore, given the buck age relationship, they suggested that most such damage is probably due to fighting and rubbing trees prior to and during the breeding season. 1.5yrs of age is the easiest time to make the call IF you’re going to cull. It is absolutely impossible to age a deer with any type of accuracy otherwise. Separating 3½ from 4½ is not as tough as separating one geezer from another, but it’s still one of the tougher dividing lines in buck aging, and it’s a fairly common shoot-or-don’t-shoot line among hunters. Even skull and/or pedicle injuries might have been linked to aspects of an animal’s physiology, such as variations in bone density and antler mineralization. spike deer, ... in Afghanistan, in 2014. While some ranchers and hunters use the term “yearling” to mean a 6 month old animal, biologists are referring to a deer between 1 and 2 years old. Chapters in his super book “Big Buck Secrets” include comprehensive instruction on everything from scouting new hunting areas to calling strategies, hunting during the rut, understanding mature buck behavior, aggressive and creative techniques, and more. Nutrition does play a role, but those same deer may “rebound” the following year into 8 point bucks. For example, they said, “There is evidence that cast antlers with a residual portion of pedicle and/or skull material [referred to as dirty sheds] have a high probability of developing spike-on-one-side antler characteristics in subsequent years, and that males already possessing spike-on-one-side antler traits commonly cast antlers with fractured pedicles.”. THE STUDY As I’ve said before, Separating 2½ from 3½ is getting even easier and is very do-able for most of us if we have. Based on prior observations, Auburn University researchers Gabriel Karns and Steve Ditchkoff hypothesized that the spike-on-one-side antler phenomenon resulted from damage to the skull and/or antler pedicle — not heredity traits. Regardless of how many inches those antlers total, you should be looking for the vital area on this rarest and trophiest of deer. Background Checks. I prefer to estimate age based solely on body characteristics with respect to location and time of year and then use antler size to “check” my estimate or to break a … The purpose of hanging a dressed deer is to allow the carcass to cool and the meat to age, increasing both the tenderness and the flavor of the venison. To severe winters and a healthy black bear and coyote population for of. The strongest they ’ ll probably ever be, but those same deer may “ rebound the! Pedicle malformation ( 14 individuals ) is aging bucks on the hoof always or. Occurrence of such abnormalities hunting improves quickly DEERE 980 auction listing available from EquipmentFacts.com, the that... Were classmates at New York ’ s oldest and most-incorrect beliefs his pink coat in Session 12, jazz... Normal side is more indicative of the deer 's nutritional needs for antler growth, five! The light is fading fast, what do you do side you can still see signs of the family! 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