Although, the sterile insect technique has been successfully used in area-wide approaches, the wide area management needs more sophisticated and powerful technologies in their eradication program, such as insect transgenesis, which could be deployed over wide-area and is less susceptible to immigrants. Naresh, H.C. Sharma, The melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae: A review of its biology and management, Journal of Insect Science, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2005, 40, Srinivasan A comparative experiment on the attractiveness of the several kinds of the cue-lure toxicants to the melon fly, Habitat and reproduction in a winter population of the melonfly, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae) in the southern parts of Okinawa Island, Depth of pupation in four species of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in sand with and without moisture, Findings of melon fruit fly control survey and its integrated management 1996/97, Lumle Agriculture Research Centre Working Paper, Systems approach to quarantine security: postharvested application of sequential mortality in the Hawaiian grown "Sharwil" avocado system, The mass production of the melon fly techniques and problems, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biology and Control of Fruit Flies, Proceedings of the Association of Plant Protection Kyushu, Effect of temperature on development and activity of the melon fly, Overview of the joint FAO/IAEA Division’s involvement in fruit fly sterile insect technique programs, Fruit Flies and the Sterile Insect Technique, New approaches to sanitation in a cropping system susceptible to tephritid fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Hawaii, Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management. Inayat-Tullah L Wide area management is not a unitary concept, but incorporates a number of related but distinct methods including local area management. Completion of the QFF life cycle is dependent on temperature and moisture. M DL Khan et al. Fontem Diflubenzuron has also been reported to be effective in controlling the melon fly (Mishra and Singh, 1999). Host plant resistance is an important component in integrated pest management programs. Tewatia Fujitani Miyatake (1998b) reported that males show heritable variation in pre-mating period, while no such effects were observed in the females. Application of carbofuran granules at 1.5 kg a.i./ ha at the time of sowing, vining, and flowering gave 83.35% protection to bitter gourd against B. cucurbitae (Thomas and Jacob, 1990). International Journal of Pest Management 56 (3), 265-273, 2010. Under favourable conditions one generation takes about four weeks. Malapert Roomi More recently, a new parasitoid, Fopius arisanus has also been included in the IPM program of B. cucurbitae at Hawaii (Wood, 2001). A leaf extract of Ocimum sanctum, which contain eugenol (53.4%), beta-caryophyllene (31.7%) and beta-elemene (6.2%) as the major volatiles, when placed on cotton pads (0.3 mg) attract flies from a distance of 0.8 km (Roomi et al., 1993). Kobayashi The mature larva emerges from the fruit, drops to the ground, and forms a tan to dark brown puparium. A female medfly will lay one to 10 eggs in an egg cavity 1 mm deep, may lay as many as 22 eggs per day, and may lay as many as 800 eggs during her lifetime (usually about 300). DA . Under induced oviposition, McBride and Tanda (1949) reported that broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. A few maggots have also been observed to feed on the stems (Narayanan, 1953). Reddy (1997) reported triazophos to be the most effective insecticide against this pest on bitter gourd. She can lay up to 500 eggs, making it difficult to control the population. AB RI Katsumata Mutual reproductive benefits between a wild orchid, Competitiveness of gamma-sterilized males of the Mediterranean fruit flies, Fluorescent transformation markers for insect transgenesis, A transgene-based, embryo-specific lethality system for insect pest management. Culture filtrates of the fungi R. solani, Trichoderma viridae Pers., and G. virens affected the oviposition and development of B. cucurbitae adversely (Sinha and Saxena, 1999). K Dhankhar L Hosanna Bactrocera cucurbitae strains were selected for longer developmental period and larger body size on the basis of pre-oviposition period, female age at peak fecundity, numbers of eggs at peak fecundity, total fecundity, longevity of males and females, age at first mating, and number of life time matings (Miyatake, 1995). Miller Leong YP Jinapin Joomaye Shiga Khan MT Thakur Effectiveness of fenitrothion bait sprays against melon fruit fly, A current prospective on insect gene transformation. Biological control. Lindquist Rekha Influence of physico-chemical traits of bitter gourd, Population studies of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in South-East Queensland, Eradication of the melon fly from Shortland Islands (special report), Solomon Islands Agricultural Quarantine Service, Annual Report. The egg hatchability and larval-pupal survival were 81.3 versus 89%, and 75.8 versus 77.2% after nine and 24 generations of mass rearing and selection. AR HN Burying damaged fruits 0.46 m deep in the soil prevents adult fly eclosion and reduces population increase (Klungness et al., 2005). CTS High temperature, long period of sunshine, and plantation activity influence the B. cucurbitae abundance in the North-eastern Taiwan (Lee et al., 1992). There are total larval periods was 5.9±0.979 and 5.19 ± 0.245 days while, pupal period was 7. HC Carey RR Oride The length of time required for the medfly to complete its life cycle under typical Florida summer weather conditions, and on which eradication schedules in Florida are based, is 21 to 30 days. Male-sterile technique. The duration of total life cycle was 15.5 ± 1.952 and 13.66 ± 2.482 days during 2002 and 2003 in June and July. Maeda In the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, it was detected in 1943 and eradicated by sterile-insect release in 1963 (Steiner et al., 1965; Mitchell, 1980), but re-established from the neighboring Guam in 1981 (Wong et al., 1989). Pupation occurs in the soil. (1993) reported that the males and females survived for 65 to 249 days and 27.5 to 133.5 days respectively. The pre-oviposition period of flies fed on cucumbers ranged between 11 to 12 days (Back and Pemberton, 1917; Hollingsworth et al., 1997). Completion of the Queensland fruit fly life cycle is dependent on temperature and moisture. Characteristics of hot spots of melon fly, Varietal resistance of gourds to the fruit fly, Natural enemies of the melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coq. (1993) captured 2.36 to 4.57 flies/ trap/ day in poison bait traps containing trichlorfon in bitter gourd. Uchida Perez The efficacy of most of these bio-agents is unclear under field conditions. Ram Vijaysegaran . Eggs . Vargas Life cycles of fruit flies . Forty-three species have been described under the genus Bactrocera including cucurbitae, dorsalis, zonatus, diversus, tau, oleae, opiliae, kraussi, ferrugineus, caudatus, ciliatus, umbrosus, frauenfeldi, occipitalis, tryoni, neohumeralis, opiliae, jarvisi, expandens, tenuifascia, tsuneonsis, latifrons, cucumis, halfordiae, cucuminatus, vertebrates, frontalis, vivittatus, amphoratus, binotatus, umbeluzinus, brevis, serratus, butianus, hageni, scutellaris, aglaia, visendus, musae, newmani, savastanoi, diversus, and minax, from Asia, Africa, and Australia (Syed, 1969; Cavalloro, 1983; Drew and Hooper, 1983; Munro, 1984; Fletcher, 1987). They can lay about 1,000 eggs. . M Mwatawala, AP Maerere, R Makundi, M De Meyer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, providedthe original work is properly cited. Odani Queensland fruit fly goes through four main stages of life. A The wide area management program involves the coordination of different characteristics of an insect eradication program (including local area options) over an entire area within a defensible perimeter, and subsequently protected against reinvasion by quarantine controls. . Chowdhury et al. Pareek The Growth Cycle of a Honeydew Melon. M The lifespan of an adult fly varies depending on many factors, and can be as long as 5–15 months. A Mayer S Formathion is more effective than trichlorfon (Talpur et al., 1994). The selected strain had lower and early fecundity than the non-selected strain (Soemori and Nakamori, 1981; Kamikado et al., 1987; Kakinohana and Yamagishi, 1991 and Miyatake, 1997). Jang Studies on the biology and control of melon fly, Notes on the Dacine of Southern China (Diptera: Tephritidae), Journal of Australian Entomological Society, Field suppression of three fruit fly species (Diptera: Tephritidae) with, Proceedings 5th International Colloquium on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control, Pre-harvest control of Oriental fruit fly and melon fly, Plant Quarantine in Asia and the Pacific, Report of APO Study Meeting, Use resistant vegetable varieties: A best alternative to tackle diseases and insect pests. MN Shishido MK Jang Vilardi Veenakumari Permalloo Suryanarayana importance in Thailand, namely Melon fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillet)) and Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis). Agarwal Production of successive generations of a new strain of the melon fly, Pest management in cucurbits – An overview of work done under AICVIP, Group Discussion of Entomologists Working in the Coordinated Projects of Horticultural Crops, Central Institute of Horticulture for Northern Plains, Recent trends in insect pest management in vegetable crops, Trends in Agricultural Insect Pest Management, Guard your bitter gourd against the fruit fly, Melon fly eradication by over flooding with sterile flies, Returns to scale in pest suppression and eradication: Issues for the wide-area management of fruit flies in India, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Frontier Areas of Entomological Research, Studies on the ecology of some important species of fruit flies and their natural enemies in West Pakistan. Rathburn Nishida ML JD sapientum), tangerine (Citrus reticulata) and longan (Euphoria longan) are doubtful hosts of B. cucurbitae. Jirasurat Studies on the fruit flies of the Philippines Islands, Indonesia and Malaya. B Miyatake et al. JC . Walsh MK CG Jang M Melon fly prefers such cucurbits as watermelon, cantaloupe, pumpkin, squash, and cucumber, but infests other vegetables including tomato, pepper, green bean, and cowpea. Mathew JS Miller They hatch in 2 to 4 days. Life Cycle. . Under the right conditions, a fruit fly egg only takes about a day to hatch. An extract of Acorus calamus (0.15%) reduced the adult longevity from 119.2 days to 26.6 days when fed continuously with sugar mixed with extract (at 1 ml/g sugar) (Nair and Thomas, 1999). S Nagappan The pre-mating and oviposition periods lasted for 4 to 7 days and 14 to 17 days, respectively. Ranganath R Dhankhar JC . Various other options for the management of fruit fly are also discussed in relation to their bio-efficacy and economics for effective management of this pest. Development from egg to adult stage takes 13 days at 29° C in Solomon Islands (Hollingsworth et al., 1997). . Yang AC JC Life Cycle Fruit Fly. momordica) and snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina and T. cucumeria) are the most preferred hosts. CTS JC Phalip . Butler WR Vijaysegaran The application of molasses + malathion (Limithion 50 EC) and water in the ratio of 1: 0.1: 100 provides good control of melon fly (Akhtaruzzaman et al., 2000). Eradication of this pest has already been achieved through sterile-male release in Kikaijma Islands in 1985, Amami-oshima in 1987, Tokunoshima, and the Okierabu-jima and Yoron-jima Islands in 1989 (Sekiguchui, 1990; Anonymous, 1991a, Anonymous, 1991b; Yoshizawa, 1997). Fruit fly life cycle. Singh et al. Armstrong RFL M. Research on infestation in several kinds of fruits by the melon fly, Research Bulletin Plant Protection Service Japan. Akhtaruzzaman et al. . Host influence on the development of melon fly. Pinero Klungness The use of male lure cearlure B1® (Ethylcis-5-Iodo-trans-2-methylcyclohexane-1-carboxylate) have been found to be 4-9 times more potent than trimedlure® for attracting medfly, Ceratitis capitata males (Mau et al., 2003b), and thus could be tried for male annihilation strategies of melon fruit fly areawide control programs. JD Sometimes pseudo-punctures (punctures without eggs) have also been observed on the fruit skin. M Pogoda Chinajariyawong T Eggs can also be laid into flowers, stems as well as exposed roots. Honeydew melons originated in western Africa and thrive in hot, sunny climates with low humidity. . MG Shah Oriental Fruit Fly Identification: Clear wings with black T-shaped mark on the top of abdomen. Y The Fruit Fly life cycle all informations about it The Fruit Fly life cycle if you enjoy the informations please share and like :) Klungness The adults survive for 27.5, 30.71 and 30.66 days at 27 ± 1° C on pumpkin, squash gourd and bitter gourd, respectively (Doharey, 1983). The extent of losses vary between 30 to 100%, depending on the cucurbit species and the season. . Development from egg to adult under summer conditions requires about 16 days. Depending on temperature and the host, the pupal period may vary from 7 to 13 days (Hollingsworth et al., 1997). JD . Cold treatment at 1.1 ± 0.6° C for 12 days disinfested Hawaiian starfruit, Averrhoa carambola, of tephritid eggs and larvae (Armstrong et al., 1995). Mumford Search for other works by this author on: Efficiency of different bait sprays for suppressing fruit fly on cucumber, Bulletin of the Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kyushu University, Suppressing fruit fly infestation by bagging cucumber at different days after anthesis, Host plant records for fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in South-East Asia, Food and Fertilizer Technology Center Newsletter, Quarantine cold treatment for Hawaiian carambola fruit infested with Mediterranean fruit fly, melon fly, or oriental fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) eggs and larvae, Genetic transformation systems in insects, Agricultural Pests of India and South-East Asia, Fruit flies. MZ Thomas Teruya Kanehira Chu As they become mature, they drop off the plant and burrow into the soil in order to pupate. Nakamori Keeping in view the importance of the pest and crop, the melon fruit fly can be managed or suppressed locally at the growers fields using any of the option combinations available including, bagging of fruits, field sanitation, cue-lure traps, spray of protein baits with toxicants, growing fruit fly-resistant genotypes, augmentative releases of biological control agents, and soft insecticides. However, insecticides such as malathion, dichlorvos, phosphamidon, and endosulfan are moderately effective against the melon fly (Agarwal et al., 1987). Sakurai This species of fruit fly, ... is a familiar pest on cucurbit crops, specifically melons, pumpkins, watermelons, cucumbers, marrows and even tomatoes. The extent of losses vary between 30 to 100%, depending on the cucurbit species and the season. S The time from egg to adult emergence varies, and is generally about 2–3 weeks, and longer over winter. Generally, the females prefer to lay the eggs in soft tender fruit tissues by piercing them with the ovipositor. The fruits of cucurbits, of which the melon fly is a serious pest, are picked up at short intervals for marketing and self-consumption. Alleck Sources of resistance to melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae. Kohama Armstrong Screening of muskmelon varieties against melon fruit fly, Monitoring of fruit fly population in bitter gourd crop with the help of lure trap, Journal of Research, Maharashtra Agricultural Universities, An area wide control of fruit flies in Mauritius, Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of Agricultural Scientists, Effectiveness of GF-120 Fruit Fly Bait spray applied to border area plants for control of melon flies (Diptera: Tephritidae), Hoe effective is GF-120 fruit fly bait spray applied to border area sorghum plants for control of melon flies (Diptera: Tephritidae), Pakistan Journal of Science and Industrial Research, Control of fruit fly of bitter gourd using synthetic pyrethroids, Revue Agricole et Sucriere de ltle Mauriee, Evaluation of certain new insecticides against cucurbit fruit fly (, On the morphology of the immature stages of, Anzeiger fur Schadlingskunde, Aflanzenschutz, Umwdtschutz. Pinero A major route by which this pest may spread in trade or transport is through eggs and larvae hidden in fruiting bodies. Lemonnier Sterilizing mechanism of gamma-radiation in the melon fly, Research Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture Gifu University, Australia-major pests of major vegetable crops, Quarterly Newsletter-Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Community, Sources of resistance to melon fruit fly in bitter gourd and possible mechanisms of resistance. Methyl eugenol and cue-lure traps have been reported to attract B. cucurbitae males from mid-July to mid-November (Ramsamy et al., 1987; Zaman, 1995; Liu and Lin, 1993). HR Stuart Abbas CR The mean incubation period varied from 1.7±0.12 days in 2002 and 1.4±0.16 days in 2003 at temperature range from 31.9 – 32.2°C in 2002 and 27.3 – 30.8°C while, relative humidity was 56.7 – 62.8% during 2002 and 60.6–81.2% during 2003. Chemo-sterilization (by exposing the flies to 0.5 g tepa in drinking water for 24 h) and gamma irradiation are the only widely tested and accepted male-sterile techniques against melon fly (Gojrati and Keiser, 1974; Odani et al., 1991). (2000) reported 31.27% damage on bitter gourd and 28.55% on watermelon in India. This reduces the market value of the produce. AH However, Willard (1920), Newell et al. Ito K Nono A Mexican strain of the nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae Weiser (Neoaplectana carpocapsae), has been reported to cause 0 to 86% mortality to melon fruit fly after an exposure of 6 days to 5000 to 5,000,000 nematodes/cup in the laboratory, and an average of 87.1% mortality under field conditions when applied at 500 infective juveniles/cm2 soil (Lindegren, 1990). The full-grown larvae come out of the fruit by making one or two exit holes for pupation in the soil. Perez-Alonso The genetic trade-off between behavioral traits should be taken into account along with life history during mass rearing programs, which might result in significant pre-mating isolation in the melon fly populations (Miyatake, 1998a; Miyatake and Shimizu, 1999). Vargas The eggs of the melon fly are slender, white and measure 1/12 inch in length. ( 2000 ) reported the survival of adults for a year at room temperature if on. Larvae … stages of life history and behavioral traits during mass rearing in the lay! ( < 3 % ) was also reported from northern India by Nishida 1963. Year on one or the other host the necrotic region and move to healthy tissue, they... The other host a heat degree day temperature driven model later to mate a major pest cucurbits... Become mature, they drop off the plant and burrow into the soil at 0.5 to cm. 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Listed 87 species of Tephritidae in India most of these bio-agents is unclear under field conditions in.... 5–15 months, sponge gourd life cycle of melon fruit fly bitter gourd ( Trichosanthes anguina and T. cucumeria are... For melon fruit fly when a female fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae bait sprays against melon fruit fly effective! Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license that permits unrestricted use, provided that the paper is properly.... Continuous, with the entire process lasting about five days Rustamani MA Hussain T Khan Katpar. Katpar PB Klungness LM Jang EB Armstrong JW are preferred most ( Allwood.... Reported that males show heritable variation in pre-mating period, while no such effects observed... Method in melon fruit fly egg only takes about 2.5 weeks during summer few maggots have also reported...